Creating and Modifying Subcharts

Creating a Subchart


When you start editing a Raptor program, a single tabbed editing window named "Main" appears.  To create a subchart, simply right-click on the "Main" tab and choose "Add Subchart" from the menu that appears.  You can then enter the name of the subchart, and a new tabbed editing window with this name appears with an empty (except for the Begin and End Symbols) flowchart.  Symbols can be added, deleted, and edited in the subchart  just as they are in the main Raptor program.


Renaming a Subchart


To rename a subchart, right-click on its name in the tab portion of the editing window.  Choose "Rename Subchart" from the menu that appears.  The Raptor system will not only change the name of the subchart; it will also rename any calls to the subchart in the rest of the program.


Deleting a Subchart


To delete a subchart, right-click on its name in the tab portion of the editing window.  Choose "Delete Subchart" from the menu that appears.  The Raptor system will NOT let you delete a subchart that is currently called somewhere in the program.  The "Delete Subchart" option will be inactive until all calls to the subchart have been removed or changed.