Editing Symbols

Double click a symbol placed in a flowchart to edit its contents.




The following dialog appears when editing an assignment symbol:



In the box following "Set", enter a variable.  In the box following "to", enter an expression whose value will be stored in the given variable. If the variable is a string variable, the expression on the right must be a string expression (see String Variables & Assignment).


Input Symbol


The following dialog appears when editing an input symbol:




Enter a prompt to the user in the first textbox. The prompt will appear in the pop-up window in which the user will enter a value for the variable whose name is specified in the second textbox.  You may select the Expression radio button if you want the prompt to be a string expression that contains a string variable or concatenation of several string expressions.  Depending on what the user enters during program execution, the variable (in the above example, Age) may be treated as a number or string (see String vs. Numeric Input).


Output Symbol



The Output Symbol specifies what will be output to the Master Console (or, in some cases, to a file; see Outputting to a File).  First select whether an Expression or Text is to be output.  An expression can be a number, a string literal in double quotes, a variable, a math expression, or a string expression.  Select Text to output a text message containing no variables or math; no quotes are required.  If the "End current line" checkbox at the bottom of the dialog is checked, the MasterConsole output after this one will start on the next line.


Selection Symbol


The following dialog appears when editing the decision diamond for a selection structure:



Enter in this textbox a Boolean expression that will be evaluated for this symbol. If the Boolean expression is true, the left branch of the selection will be taken. Otherwise, the right branch will be taken.


Loop Symbol


The following dialog appears when editing the decision diamond for a loop structure:



Enter in the textbox a Boolean expression that will be evaluated for this symbol. If the Boolean expression is true, the loop is exited. Otherwise, flow continues on the "No" branch below the diamond and eventually to the top of the loop.