The primary window consists of four main areas:
The Symbols area in the upper left presents the 6 primary graphical symbols that can be used in Raptor:
The assignment symbol is used to give a variable a numeric or string value.
The call symbol is used to make calls to outside procedures, such as graphics routines.
The input symbol is used for getting input from the user.
The output symbol is used to display text to the Master Console.
The selection structure is used for decision making.
The loop structure is used for iteration and repetition.
The area immediately below the Symbols area is the Watch Window. This area allows the user to view the current contents of any variables and arrays as the flowchart is executing.
The large, white area to the right is the primary Workspace. Users can build their flowcharts in this area and watch them update as they execute. The workspace is tabbed. Most flowcharts have a single tab named "main", but programmer-defined subcharts appear as tabs in the workspace.
The final area is the menu and toolbar. This area allows the user to change settings and control the view and execution of individual flowcharts.